Archive for November, 2008|Monthly archive page

Chasing the Wagon

So a quick glimpse of the log shows that I haven’t updated in nearly 2 months. I was strong and hard heading down the path to physical fitness. So what happened? Well several factors went into my falling off the wagon…exertion injuries (nothing major just some minor joint pain), playing World of Warcraft (damn my addictive personality), fall TV line up (fewer good shows than I would like, but more than my gut can handle), and the weather in central North Carolina turning towards winter…but I can’t blame anything more so than my simple laziness. My wife says that I suffer from an obsession of the week (and she’s right) and unfortunately my obsessions have kept me away from exercise and fitness, which was an obsession for several months until I hit my goal. I think that by hitting my goal I felt that I could ease up a bit and I ended up easing up far too much. My weight has crept back up to 186.8 pounds and my waist size has expanded back to 39.5 inches.

So what now? Well it’s time for me to get back on the wagon with my exercise. And start paying attention to what I’m eating and how much of it I’m eating (my portions have crept back up as of late too). So I’ll be updating here frequently yet again, and finding time everyday to do some sort of exercise and sharing some of my thoughts along the way. And in order to keep myself on track for the long haul I’m setting my self a much tougher goal this time around and one that’s not such a hard finish line as my previous goal of a simple weight to obtain. This time my goal is to complete a 5k, a Marathon, and a Triathlon. By the time I complete each of these I hope to have a habit of exercise and fitness so fully ingrained that I feel odd when if I miss it.

One good thing…I am smoke free still. I’ve had some really tough days, especially as of late, but I’ve managed to stay strong on this point and I don’t ever want to go back. So keep tuned into to keep up with my progress of clawing my way back onto the wagon.